Monday 13 June 2016

What Behind the Cupboard Door Chapter 6

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. I was so,so worried like you were gone and then I was and then but and, and cos." Mom screamed with tears in her eyes. So I told mum the truth or at least the watered down version of it I didn't want her to worry about it so I was just gonna leave it to myself. I told her that the suit case in the cupboard fell on me and I got knocked out and that my head hurts and I just want to go to sleep now I left it at that.
I didn't get any sleep that night i mean you can't blame me with all the stuff i had just been through I I'm surprised I didn't faint just thinking about it I was also creeped out that this random old man had been living under our house for who knows how long it's just so weird. Why is this happening to me I'll think about it tomorrow I just wanna go to sleep now.

BOOM!i get up with a jolt everything is destroyed I look around to see Emily's rooms roof caved in I run up to save her but it's to late she's she's i put my hand over my mouth and tears go down my face I can't believe what I'm seeing suddenly I'm filled with rage whoever did this is and deadman and then I realised Harrison I run down stairs and he's there in the kitchen bandaging up his leg I run up to him and punch him right in his face I feel my knuckles crack I shout "YOU DID THIS YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD HAVE"
 "i didn't do this I swear but I think I know who did" he says with blood coming out of his noes.

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