Thursday 9 June 2016

The Big Trip Part 3

After Disneyland we went to France to meet up with my Aunty Sarah Jane. We had an awesome time. The first thing we did was go to Notre Dame. Sadly, we didn't see Quasimodo but we did see some beautiful stained glass windows. Whenever there was the quietest sound, a booming voice would come over the speakers going, "SHHHHHHHH!" Very loudly. When we went into Notre Dame my baby cousin Alex started crying and then the booming voice went over the speakers again.

After Notre Dame, we started walking down to the Louvre. We saw a small pet store and the cats and dogs in there were absolutely adorable. I loved them.
A absolutely adorable puppy!

Once we arrived at the Louvre, we were going to go in but we didn't end up doing that because we didn't have much time and we had already been to see the Mona Lisa and her friends last year.

Then we started making our way down to the Eiffel Tower. Before we got to the Eiffel Tower we had a quick sit down and while everyone was sitting down I took my baby cousin Alex for a walk to see the ducks.

Once we arrived at the Eiffel Tower, we were amazed to see how long all the lines to get up the tower were. There were hundreds of people. It was crazy. We didn't end up going up the tower because the lines were so long and we didn't want to wait all that time with a baby. I've been up the tower before so it didn't bother me too much. Also, it was an overcast day so the view wouldn't have been that great.

When we finished at the Eiffel Tower, we all went for a half hour walk down to the Arc de Triomph. It looked really awesome like all the carvings and stuff were just amazing.

After a long day we all sat down and had a nice healthy meal of McDoanalds on the Champs Elysees.
(I'm kidding... not about the McDonalds part - we did have McDonalds, it just wasn't healthy.)
The Louvre


  1. William! That post deserves the super cool double hand squeeze! It was so awesome hanging out with you! What a great day we had!!! I'm coming to London soon and can't wait to see you guys again! XXX

  2. Awesome blog William.

  3. Love the photo William ... sitting on the top would have been cooler. :)

  4. Love the photo William ... sitting on the top would have been cooler. :)
