Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Big Trip Part 2

"Wow! Look at that. Oh! Oh, and that one. Wow! Look, look. It's just like the other one." That's all I was saying at Disneyland Paris.

Last week, me and my family went to Disneyland Paris. It was awesome. We got to go on rides, look in shops, and have heaps of fun. My favourite ride was called RC Racers. It was cool. It's like a huge U and you're in the car from Toy Story. You go up to both tops of the U - its really invigorating.

While we were at Disneyland, we saw a spectactular parade. It was really creative and I guess coolrative. My baby cousin Alex loved the parade. He was waving at all the characters that passed him. It was so cute.

There were some parts of Disneyland that I did not like though, such as when you're on the Space Mountain ride it jolts a lot so your ears and head whack into the side of the bar that's supposed to protect you. It is still a really cool ride if you can get past the pain.
There's also the Indiana Jones ride which again jolts a lot so it whacks your head. Also sometimes it goes so fast that you can barely keep your head up.

But that's too much about the bad things. Why don't we focus on the good things?
The day we went to Disneyland we stayed up to about 11:30pm because we watched the fireworks. They were amazing! There were lights, fireworks and fire balls. When the fireballs came out we we went from freezing to roasting hot. It was crazy cool. We all loved watching the fireworks.

Going to Disneyland was super fun because I got to spend time with some of my family that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. All in all, Disneyland was awesome. I mean, what did you expect? It's Disneyland.

1 comment:

  1. That was interesting to hear your comparisons. I wondered how it would be different. I'm amazed that those rides were painful, when I went on those rides at LA Disneyland they didn't do that. Space Mountain is pitch black so that would make it a bit nerve wracking. Love your adjectives!
