Tuesday 10 May 2016

May the 4th be with You

It was a normal morning. I sat up, picked my phone up and checked the time - 7:08am. "It's a bit early. I'm just gonna lie back down and go back to... WAIT! WHAT DID THAT SAY?! MAY THE FOURTH?! IT'S STAR WARS DAY!!!"
Emily sat up in terror. She looked left and right, right and left, up and down. "What happened?" she said whilst yawning. I then shoved my phone in her face, "It's Star Wars Day."
"Oh ok," Emily said. She then lay down and fell asleep again.
"What do you mean, oh ok?" I said to myself.
Then I jumped out of bed, ran around the corner and straight into Mum and Dad's room. "Mum, Dad, guess what?!" I said with a big smile on my face.
"May the fourth be with you," they both said in a tired voice.
"Can we pleaaaaase go to Westfield Mall?"
"Why?" Mum said.
"BecausetodayandonlytodayifyougototheLegostoreyoucangetanexclusiveMaythefourthLegostormtrooperminifigandIwannagetit!" I said so fast even I couldn't understand everything.
"Ok. So here's what I got out of that. You want to go to the dinosaur..." said Dad.
"No, the Lego store," I interrupted.
"Right, the Lego Store. To get a..." Dad started.
"Storm Trooper," I interrupted again.
"Yup, a Storm Trooper. That you can only get on a flake," Dad said.
"No, you can only get it today!" I said.
"Oh," Dad said.
After a bit of negotiation, I finally convinced them to take me. So we got dressed, went to the station, hopped on the train, walked to Westfield went up the escalator and into the Lego store.
There was a big sign in front of the Lego store saying May the Fourth be with You. "We're finally here," I squealed with joy.
I ran into the Lego Store. There were heaps of posters on the wall. One was about the exclusive Storm Trooper mini figure. Suddenly my heart sank. It said it right there on the poster - 'Spend over $50 to get an exclusive May the Fourth mini figure.'
Mum looked at me, "What's wrong Willa?" I didn't need to say anything. I just pointed.
"Oh no," mum said. "Well, better luck next time. We can still look around the Lego if you want," Mum said in a kind voice.
I sighed, "Ok"
We looked around for a bit and as we were leaving the store Emily spotted something on a poster.
"Hey, look," she said whilst pointing.
"We have already seen it. We cant get the mini figure," I said in a sad voice.
"No, not that. Look," Emily said.
Me and Mum turned around and read the poster. I smiled. It said that on May the Fourth you can build Poe Dameron's X-wing for free.
Then we turned around and walked back into the store and asked about it. The workers said that it is starting in 6 minute, so we waited and built the X-wing. It was awesome. Here's a photo of what we built.
After that me and Emily played with our X-wings for a bit. Then we went to the Disney Store and we looked around there. We found a really cool Darth Vader jersey. Mum was nice enough to buy it for me and when we went to the counter to buy it the worker gave us a flyer that had information on it that said that on May the fourth you can go to the Disney Store on Oxford Street and meet Warwick Davis. If you don't know who that is, he played Wicket the Ewok in Star Wars.
So that night, after dinner, we all went down to Oxford and when we got to the Disney Store we saw that the line was so far you could barely see the end (well that's exaggerating a bit, but it was still really long).
We waited in the line for about 2 hours and when we were almost at the front someone walked out and said, "Sorry everybody but Warwick has to go now because it's getting late, however he does want to acknowledge that you all came to see him so he is gonna walk past and say hi to everyone and give you a signed photo of himself."
We were all a bit disappointed but still grateful he was going to come by.
Warwick Davis cruised past on his custom built Segway. He said hi to me, shook my hand and gave me an autographed picture of himself.
When we were leaving to go home, we got some hot chips and a taxi. On the ride home, we were talking about how crazy today was and joking about how this was the Rube Goldberg machine of days.
Oh, and May The Fourth Be With You.


  1. Great story William

  2. This great William... I love reading your blog ... Poppa

  3. William ... I felt like I was living this day with you. It really was Star Wars Day for you guys.

  4. I hope Mum wasn't too embarrassing pushing past you to grab that ewok. Some people do go very funny around famous people / ewoks.
