Thursday 21 April 2016

The Doctor Who Experience

Throughout the weekend me, my mum, my dad and my little sister went to Cardiff. We had a great time.
My favourite part was the Doctor Who Experience. At the Doctor Who Experience we got to go in the TARDIS and we went to different planets and we went back in time. I won't spoil anything but you may or may not run into some weeping angels and daleks,  but you didn't hear it from me cos I'm not spoiling it.
The entrance of the Doctor Who Experience has some awesome models from the show.
Overall I think the Doctor Who Experience is indescribably fun and I love how interactive it is. I think anyone like me would love the Doctor Who Experience - I know I did!

Me and my sister in the TARDIS

1 comment:

  1. William , mae hyn yn interesting.The Doctor Who brofiad yn oer iawn.
