Friday 11 March 2016

Science Museum

On Wednesday, my school (me, my little sister and my mum) went to the SCIENCE MUSEUM in London. It was AWESOME.

Although it was our first time at the Science Museum, it was our fourth time going to a Museum in the last few weeks. That's the beauty of being home schooled - we can go on school trips whenever we like.

The Science Museum has an incredible I-max theater. It's the biggest one in London. The screen was so big it makes you feel like you get teleported from your seat and into the movie. The movie we watched was 3D and about space. I never knew how beautiful the Universe could be. We got to see the place where stars are born. It looks like an astonishing cloud of colorful gas. We also got to see the remains of a star that had exploded. It looked like a huge eye staring at us.

There was a spectacular space section at the museum. There was loads of awesome space stuff. I even got to see a model of Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 has been to space and back. There was even an exact replica of Albert Einstein's brain. They took it out of his head when he died to study it. It's kind of creepy but it is also quite an interesting fact.

At the museum, we took part in a workshop where we made something called a 'camera obscura'. They make everything black and white and when you look in them everything is upside-down. This is because light travels in straight lines so when it goes through the little hole in the end of the camera obscura it is flipped upside-down here's a photo of me making mine.


Although we spent the whole day at the Science Museum, we still have so much more to explore there. I can't wait to go there again. If you like science you should check it out - it's pretty amazing. 


  1. I enjoyed making the camera obscura William

  2. Thanks for the update. really nice to see what you have been up to in London. It sounds like you have been busy and are having a lot of new adventures. Love reading the stories. Cant wait to read the next one. Take care and love to al. Aunty Ange x

    1. Thanks Aunty Ange.
      I'll try post more often so you can see what where up to.

  3. Very cool William!
