Monday 8 August 2016


On Friday night my family and I went out to Hyde Park to go bat hunting.
 We learnt a whole lot about bats and to help you learn about your favourite winged nocturnal creepy things I've put together this list of five things you might not know about bats.

1. Blind as a Bat.
To the confusion of many people bats are not actually blind they have as good a sight as us humans.

2. Mum Calls the Shots.
Now this is a weird one so be prepared… Ready? Ok. So when the mummy and daddy bat have a baby, the mum will keep what she needs from the dad to make the baby for as long as she likes, and when she chooses to, she will make the baby. This is because sometimes it might be to cold for the baby to survive so the mum waits until it's a good temperature and then she will have her baby.

3. What Does the Bat Say? (I know it's dumb but I couldn't think of anything else)
Bats voices are a bit like dog whistles (you know those whistles that when you blow them no human can hear it but dogs can cos they hear at a higher frequency than us.) Bats voices are like that so we can't hear them without special equipment.

4. Pick on Someone Your Own Size.
The bats we saw were very small - so small that you could fit about five in your hand. On the other hand there are some huge bats, the biggest of which is the flying fox which has a wingspan of 6 feet.

5. Arms or Wings - Make up Your Mind.
Bats (very much like ducks with their feet) have webbed arms so their arms also work as wings.

So there you go - some bat facts. Argh, try saying that ten times fast: ‘Bat facts, bat facts, bats fatcs.’ Duh - dang it. I think I’ve gone batty!

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